Tuesday, 17 September 2019


Adolescence is a fundamental moment for the construction of kids’ identity. A crucial year in which the adolescent is torn between his ideal of life and the reality that surrounds him. Each adolescent has to develop adaptive strategies regarding social networks that will favor or hinder the construction of their identity.
Social networks can become crucial to their identity. Virtual feedback can be harmful to some adolescents since they can be expressed from anonymity, with an important affective distancing, with a low level of empathy, with the use of“ spoken thinking ”and with great difficulty in assessing what Your messages are generating in the other.

All this has negative consequences in the construction of the identity of young people, especially when the dissemination of negative or disqualifying content spreads very quickly, reaching unsuspected levels. Hence, it is really important for parents to keep a keen eye on their kids’ social activities for that, they can take the assistance of the best parental monitoring app that is FamilyTime App.

Best Parental monitoring app – FamilyTime

Knowing the importance of social networks, we can not ask our kids to stay away from them but what we can really do is, help them make proper use of these networks so they prove to be constructive for our kids.

This becomes possible, when we have all the knowledge about social platforms that are being used by our kids, their time of consumption, their community on that forum and their communications, etc. To know all this, parents are using parental monitoring apps and among all the options available, one app declared as the best parental monitoring app is the FamilyTime.

With this app, parents can see what social networking sites their kids use, how long they use those sites, what apps are installed on their devices, who do they connect with, what do they communicate and more. In addition to that, parents can also determine the duration and device usage. For this, FamilyTime app offers a range of features including the app blocker, auto screen lock, and remote lock, etc. There are many other valuable features of FamilyTime that you can explore by giving this app a free try. The trial version can be installed from the app store on your phone.

A whole set of important changes in the lives of our teenagers depend on their use of social networks. Adolescents who form their identity not only under the influence of their peers, their friends but of a social community that supports or ignores them. A radical change that will surely affect the adults of the future.